Holiday Time at Shibley
posted: December 3, 2018By: Bob
As the leaves continue to fall and the great memories of last summer start to fade into the background, I always feel a little sad. However the sadness does not remain very long as my mind shifts towards the preparation for next summer. We already have a large amount of last year’s campers who took advantage of our super early bird rates and are already registered. We also have many new campers joining us for the first time! One of my functions is as Transportation Director, so I am already well into plotting all of these campers on our maps. I really like geography and maps so planning out the bus routes is a lot of fun for me as well as challenging to make the most efficient routes possible.
I am also looking forward to the Holiday Season which is a fun time to spend with family and friends. It is also a good time to reflect upon the year past. I always like to think back on the great time I had working at camp during the previous summer. I always enjoy the opportunity to meet and get to know the new campers and new staff. I also like being reunited with all the returning campers and staff as we approach each summer.
After a period of time everyone at Shibley seems like family. Once you start coming to Shibley and experience what Shibley is all about, you never want to leave. I guess I am the best example of that since I started coming to Shibley as a four year old and am still here so many decades later. I can’t wait to get up in the morning because I am going to camp whether it is summer, fall, winter or spring. How many people can say during a January blizzard that “I am going to camp?” I feel very lucky to have spent so many happy years at Shibley. It is December 2018 and exciting thoughts of summer 2019 are already in my mind. Stay warm and have a great holiday season.